Full Stack Web Development by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Finally a non-science course, purely a technical one, I can’t wait to make my hands dirty on web development. I think every developer whether he/she is front end or back end knows web development more or less, but to make your site/single page application professional and pretty, you have to go through some courses systematically.
Most concepts are straightforward and simple, so I will only take note of those which are tricky and exceptional.
- Course 1: HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- Course 2: Front-End Web UI Frameworks and Tools
- Course 3: Front-End JavaScript Frameworks: AngularJS
- Course 4: Multiplatform Mobile App Development with Web Technologies
- Course 5: Server-side Development with NodeJS
Course 1: HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Week 1: HTML & CSS
Void (empty) elements and self-closing start tags in HTML
The void elements can only have a start tag since they can’t have any content. They must not have an end tags in HTML.
The void elements in HTML 4.01/XHTML 1.0 Strict include area, base, br, col, hr, img, input, link, meta, param
. HTML 5 currently adds command, keygen, source
to that list.
The opposite problem is when an element that can have content is empty. If it is not a void element, it must still have an end tag.
Week 2: Introduction to JavaScript
Data Types
- Number
- String
- Boolean
- Other e.g. Object
Global variable: if you assign a variable without declaring it with var
in any place whether in a function or not, the variable automatically become a global variable, and the whole script can access it.
Week 3: Advanced JavaScript
There are 3 kinds of for loops:
- for
for … in
like this:
var continents = ["Austrilia", "Africa", "Antarctica", "Eurasia", "America"]; for ( var index in continents) {}
remember that
is a number, not an object in thecontinents
array.In other situation like this:
var onePerson = {initials: "DR", age: 40, job: "Professor"}; for ( var property in onePerson ) {}
gives the left hand side of the objectonePerson
. -
for … of
var continents = ["Austrilia", "Africa", "Antarctica", "Eurasia", "America"]; for ( var continent in continents) {}
Here the
is each element of the arraycontinents
, this syntax is equivalent to the Pythonfor ... in ...
splice can be used to remove or add or replace some element from or into an array.
- To remove elements at a position:
array.splice(startPosition, quantity)
, and it returns the removed elements. - To add an element before a position:
array.splice(position, 0, element)
, and it returns empty array[]
. - To replace an element:
array.splice(position, quantity, elements)
, and it returns the removed elements.
array functions
Whitespace Nodes
There may be some text nodes which contains only whitespace, sometimes this is troublesome.
Course 2: Front-End Web UI Frameworks and Tools
Week 1: Front-end Web UI Frameworks Overview: Bootstrap
The container
class uses fixed width depending on the screen size, container-fluid
uses the full width of screen.
These 3 lines of code must be contained in head
section prior to enabling Bootstrap.
<meta charset="uft-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
Media Queries are the CSS technology to apply some styles based on the size of the viewport e.g.
@media screen and (min-width:600px){
/* CSS customized for desktop */
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
The viewport
meta tag:
- Ensure the screen width is set to the device width and content is rendered with the width in mind.
- Designing the websites responsive to the size of the viewport (Bootstrap grid system).
If you don’t specify classes for some screen size, for example, you only specify col-sm-5
for an element, then on medium and large screen, Bootstrap will choose the specification for smaller screen, which is col-sm-5
class in this case.
Week 2: Bootstrap CSS Components; Week 3: Bootstrap Javascript Components; Week 4: Web Tools
I’m tired of Bootstrap’s tedious class names, I won’t put details here about them.
Course 3: Front-End JavaScript Frameworks: AngularJS
Week 1: Front-End Javascript Frameworks: AngularJS Overview
is used to
- Evaluate an expression
- Initialize a JavaScript variable
Week 2: Web tools: Grunt and Gulp
Grunt and Gulp automate many things using tasks. Grunt is based on files while Gulp is a streaming build system.
Week 3: Single Page Applications
Two commonly used automation tools: Grunt and Gulp. The comparison between them:
- Grunt uses Configuration over Code
- Gulp uses Code over Configuration
Dependency Injection involves four roles:
- The service
- The client
- The interfaces
- The injector
Dependency Annotation in Angualar
Inline array annotation
module.controller('MenuController', ['$scope', 'menuFactory', function($scope, menuFactory){ }]);
$inject property annotation
var MenuController = function($scope, menuFactory) { }; MenuController.$inject = ['$scope', 'menuFactory']; module.controller('MenuController', MenuController);
Implicit annotation
module.controller('MenuController', function($scope, menuFactory) { }]);
Angular Services
- Substitudable objects wired together using DI
- Allow organizing and sharing code across an app
- Lazily instantiated
- Singletons
Five functions that declare services
- serveice()
- factory()
- provider()
- constant()
- value()
Week 4: Client-Server Communication and Angular Testing
Course 4: Multiplatform Mobile App Development with Web Technologies
week 1: Hybrid Mobile App Development Frameworks: An Introduction
week 2: More Ionic CSS and JavaScript
week 3: Deploying your App
week 4: Accessing Native Capabilities of Devices: Cordova and ngCordova
Course 5: Server-side Development with NodeJS
Week 1: Introduction to Server-side Development
JavaScript doesn’t provide standard library, CommanJS API fills this gap by defining API for common application needs. It defines a module format, Node follows module specification.
- Each file is its own module.
- The module variable gives access to the current module definition in a file.
- The module.exports determines the export of the current module.
- The require function is used to import a module.
When you import core modules or external modules, do like this require("module_name")
. When you are importing an external module, Node.js will look for the external module in ./node_modules/ or ../node_modules/ or ../../node_modules/ ...
until the module is found.
Stateless server:
Server side should not track the client side state:
Every request is a new request from the client side.
Client side should track its own state:
- E.g. using cookies; client side database
- Every request must include sufficient information so server side can serve up requested information
- Client side MVC setup
Node.js callbacks
A brief introduction of callback from nodejitsu:
This works just fine and is very typical in other development environments. However, if fetchData takes a long time to load the data (maybe it is streaming it off the drive or the internet), then this causes the whole program to ‘block’ - otherwise known as sitting still and waiting - until it loads the data. Node.js, being an asynchronous platform, doesn’t wait around for things like file I/O to finish - Node.js uses callbacks. A callback is a function called at the completion of a given task; this prevents any blocking, and allows other code to be run in the meantime.
function asyncOperation ( a, b, c, callback ) { // ... lots of hard work ... if ( /* an error occurs */ ) { return callback(new Error("An error has occured")); } // ... more work ... callback(null, d, e, f); } asyncOperation ( params.., function ( err, returnValues.. ) { //This code gets run after the async operation gets run });
Week 2: MongoDB and Mongoose
Four broad categories of NoSQL Databases
- Document databases (e.g., MongoDB)
- Key-value databases (e.g., Redis)
- Column family databases (e.g., Cassadra)
- Graph databases (e.g., Neo4J)
With MongoDB, you can manipulate data with less explicit code.
Run mongo
in terminal to enter MongoDB REPL.
use conFusion
db.dishes.insert({ name: "Uthapizza", description: "Test" });
var id = new ObjectId();
Mongoose enables to use schema in MongoDB
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var Currency = mongoose.Types.Currency;
// create a schema
var promotionSchema = new Schema({
name: {
type: String,
required: true,
unique: true
description: {
type: String,
required: true
image: {
type: String,
required: true
label: {
type: String,
required: true,
default: ""
price: {
type: Currency
}, {
timestamps: true
// the schema is useless so far
// we need to create a model using it
var Promotions = mongoose.model('Promotion', promotionSchema);
// make this available to our Node applications
module.exports = Promotions;
Week 3: User Authentication
Cookie + Session Authentication
- Cookie set on the client side by the server
- Cookie is used as a storage for session ID that is used as an index into server-side storage of session information.
Why Token-Based Authentication
- Session authentication becomes a problem when we need stateless servers and scalability
- Mobile application platforms have a hard time handling cookies/sessions
- Sharing authentication with other applications not feasible
- Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) problem
- Cross-site request forgery (CSRF)
Token-based Authentication
- User requests access with their username and password
- Server validates credentials
- Server creates a signed token and sends it to the client – Nothing stored on the server
- All subsequent requests from the client should include the token
- Server verifies the token and responds with data if validated
Week 4: Backend as a Service (BaaS)
MongoDB and Relations
- NoSQL databases like MongoDB do not explicitly support relations like the SQL databases
- All documents are normally expected to be self- contained
- However you can store references to other documents within a document by using ObjectIds
- Mongoose does not have joins
Mongoose Population works like Joining of Relational Database
//Modified Comment Schema
var commentSchema = new Schema({
rating: {
type: Number,
min: 1,
max: 5,
required: true
comment: {
type: String,
required: true
postedBy: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'User'
{timestamps: true});
// Populating the Documents
.exec(function (err, dish) {
if (err) throw err;
SSL/TLS Handshake
OAuth 2 Roles
- Resource owner: You, the user that authorizes a client application to access their account
- Client Application: Application (website or app) that wants access to the resource server to obtain information about you
- Resource Server: Server hosting protected data (e.g., your personal information)
- Authorization Server: Server that issues an access token to the client application to request resource from the resource server
OAuth 2 Tokens
- Access token: allows access to user data by the client application
- Has limited lifetime
- Need to be kept confidential
- Scope: parameter used to limit the rights of the access token
- Refresh token: Used to refresh an expired access token