Competitive Programming can sharpen one’s mind, sometimes helps with one’s interview. This post is a note of Bjarki Ágúst Guðmundsson’s Competitive Programming course.


Quickly classify problems

  1. Ad Hoc
  2. Complete Search (Iterative/Recursive)
  3. Divide & Conquer
  4. Greedy (only the original ones)
  5. Dynamic Programming (only the original ones)
  6. Graph
  7. Mathematics
  8. String Processing
  9. Computational Geometry
  10. Some Harder Problems

Rule of Thumb

  1. \(10^9\) operations per second
  2. \(2^{10} \approx 10^3\).

Algorithm Analysis

n Slowest Accepted Algorithm Example
\(\le 10\) \(O(n!), O(n^6)\) Enumerating a permutation
\(\le 15\) \(O(2^n\times n^2)\) DP TSP
\(\le 20\) \(O(2^n), O(n^5)\) DP + bitmask technique
\(\le 50\) \(O(n^4)\) DP with 3 dimensions + \(O(n)\) loop, choosing \(_nC_k=4\)
\(\le 10^2\) \(O(n^3)\) Floyd Warshall’s
\(\le 10^3\) \(O(n^2)\) Bubble/Selection/Insert sort
\(\le 10^5\) \(O(nlog_2n)\) Merge sort, building a segment tree
\(\le 10^6\) \(O(n), O(log_2n), O(1)\) Usually, contest problem have \(n<10^6\) (to read input)

Data Structure

  • Static arrays
  • Dynamic arrays
  • Linked lists
  • Stacks
  • Queues
  • Priority Queues
  • Sets
  • Maps